Italy notifications
Resolution cases
Liquidation cases with DGS payouts
Other DGS interventions
The EBA has received a notification from Bank of Italy as Designated Authority in relation to the national insolvency proceeding of Aigis Banca S.p.A. which required the use of funds (EUR 48.8 million) from the Italian Interbank Deposit Protection Fund (Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi) in order to support the transfer of the assets and liabilities (including the deposit book) of the mentioned bank to the Banca Ifis S.p.A. Aigis Banca S.p.A. had 11,777 covered depositors with covered deposits of EUR 404,946 million. Click here to view the notification letter.
The EBA has received a notification from the Bank of Italy in relation to the use of deposit guarantee scheme’s available financial means to prevent the failure of Banca del Fucino. Click here to view the notification letter.
The EBA has received a notification from the Italian Interbank Deposit Protection Fund (Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi) in relation to the national insolvency proceeding of Banca Sviluppo Economico S.p.A. which required the use of DGS funds (EUR 4.5 million) in order to support the transfer of the assets and liabilities (including the deposit book) of the mentioned bank to the Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa S.p.A.. The guaranteed deposits amounted to EUR 26.80 million covering 1602 depositors.
Click here to view the notification letter.