Own funds

To be able to absorb losses in a going or in a gone concern situation, institutions need own funds in sufficient quantity and quality in accordance with applicable European legislation. The Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) sets out the characteristics and conditions for own funds and specifies a series of mandates for the EBA. These include the development of Regulatory Technical Standards to further specify the quality criteria applying to institutions' regulatory own funds, as well the deductions that should be applied to own funds elements and the harmonizing disclosures. In addition, the EBA monitors the quality of own funds on an on-going basis and may provide advice and opinions.

Technical Standards, Guidelines & Recommendations

Technical standards

Regulatory Technical Standards on Own Funds

These Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) gather a number of mandates given to the EBA by the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) in relation to own funds.

Opinions, Reports and other Publications
