Supervisory convergence

Supervisory convergence is a process for achieving comparable supervisory practices across competent authorities, that is derived from compliance with the Single Rulebook and leads to consistent supervisory outcomes in the EU. A well-functioning internal market, including the creation of a level playing field, is based on transparent and harmonised supervisory practices and decisions. The EBA is mandated to contribute to enhancing supervisory convergence and building consistent supervisory practices in the EU. The EBA has a number of tools to promote supervisory convergence and implement its convergence strategy.



Supervisory convergence

In the context of the supervisory review and evaluation process (SREP), the EBA has a leading role in devising the common procedures and methodologies that guide EU supervisors in their review process.  With the aim of ensuring EU-wide action on key priorities, the EBA also sets annual supervisory examination programmes for EU supervisors. The success of the implementation of these convergence tools is measured and reported annually to the European Parliament and the Council.

Peer reviews

A peer review evaluates and compares how well competent authorities oversee and enforce regulations when measured against their peers. The aim of the EBA in conducting peer reviews is to further strengthen consistency in supervisory outcomes and to identify supervisory best practices across competent authorities.  


The EBA’s plays a role in assisting competent authorities to resolve disagreements that arise. We mediate such cases on our own initiative or upon request of one or several competent authorities according to a binding and non-binding alternative.

Breach of Union Law

Where a competent authority has not applied an act of the European Union listed in the EBA Regulation,or has done it in a way which appears to be a breach of Union law, the Chairperson of the EBA may initiate an investigation on his or her own initiative. 


Colleges are cooperation structures that bring together supervisors involved in the supervision of cross-border institutions, or resolution experts who engage in resolution planning activities. The EBA has a vital role in promoting and monitoring colleges to ensure that they function well and effectively, serving as the forum for planning and coordinating supervisory or resolution activities.


The EBA plays an important role in fostering a common supervisory culture, including supervisory skills and approaches across EU supervisors. In this respect, the EBA provides free training programmes aimed at enhancing supervisory convergence.

European Supervisory Examination Programme (ESEP)

The European Supervisory Examination Programme (ESEP) identifies key topics for increased prudential supervisory focus. Its purpose is to give supervisors across Europe a unified set of priorities and promote convergence in their supervisory efforts.

European Resolution Examination Programme (EREP)

The European Resolution Examination Programme (EREP) identifies key topics that resolution authorities should increase their focus on. Its purpose is to give resolution authorities across Europe a unified set of priorities and promote convergence in their efforts.