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Response to consultation on draft ITS amending ITS on supervisory reporting on Liquidity Coverage Ratio
Go backQuestion 2: Do respondents agree with longer remittance dates for the first reference dates for the new templates for the first six months?
Please refer to response attached.Question 3: Do respondents agree with the implementation period suggested?
Please refer to response attached.Question 4: Do respondents agree to the structure and content of the proposed new LCR templates added for credit institutions? Particularly comments from respondents on specific rows, columns or any other item would be very valuable and appreciated including comments on the treatment of secured transactions.
Please refer to response attached.Question 5: Do respondents find the new LCR instructions for credit institutions clear? Particularly comments from respondents on specific rows, columns or any other item would be very valuable and appreciated.
Please refer to response attached.Question 6: Do respondents consider that the “LCR calculation tool” appropriately translates the use of the different templates for informative purposes?
Please refer to response attached.Name of organisation
Association for Financial Markets in Europe