Overview of the ECAIs' mapping under the Standardised Approach
This page provides an overview of the different EBA regulatory products developed around the mapping of External Credit Assessment Institutions' credit assessments mandated under article 136 of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR). This section also includes individual mapping reports for each individual ECAI.
Implementing Regulation
Version | Final draft ITS submitted by ESAs | Implementing Regulation adopted by Commission | Main changes from previous version |
Original | Final draft ITS on ECAIs' mapping (November 2015) | Implementing Technical Standards published on the Official Journal (October 2016) | Methodology and mapping for 26 ECAIs |
First amendment | Revised final draft ITS on ECAIs' mapping (December 2017) | Amended Implementing Technical Standards published on the Official Journal (April 2018) | Mappings for five newly established ECAIs and removal of a de-registered ECAI |
Second amendment | EBA final draft ITS on ECAIs' mapping (May 2019) | Amending Implementing Regulation published on the Official Journal (November 2019) | Monitoring exercise: - Developments in credit rating scales and types - Re-assessment of credit quality steps allocation - Registration of CRAs related to a previously mapped ECAI |
Third amendment | Final Report Amendment ITS ECAIs mapping CRR art 136 (June 2021) | Amending Implementing Regulation published on the Official Journal (November 2021) | Mapping for two newly established ECAIs Removal of de-registered ECAIs and monitoring exercise |
Fourth amendment | Final Report Amendment ITS ECAIs mapping CRR art 136 (November 2013) | Amending Implementing Regulation published on the Official Journal (July 2024) | Removal of de-registered ECAIs and monitoring exercise. |
Mapping reports