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Response to consultation on the Technical Standards on the EBA Register under PSD2
Go backQuestion 1: Do you agree with the option the EBA has chosen regarding the transmission of information by NCAs to the EBA? If not, please provide your reasoning
Swedish Bankers’ Association (SBA) do not agree with EBA: s choice regarding the transmission of information. This due to several reasons. We regret that EBA is not putting forward solutions that are sufficient for the banks. In order for the register to be workable for our memberbanks, they need information in the register that is updated in realtime. As per the set-up now of the register, the information in it will be AT LEAST one day old. This means that an ASPSP may well engage in a transaction with a TPP even if the TPP has gotten its license withdrawn. This is not acceptable from neither a consumer nor a ASPSP perspective!
This said, SBA appreciates however the NCA: s concerns, described in the consultation paper, as regards the installation and costs associated with updating the national registers in order to meet high demands for a viable technical solution.Question 2: Do you agree with the proposed criteria and functionalities related to the search of information in the EBA Register? If not, please provide your reasoning.
The SBA favours adding the “machine readable” functionality as described in point 4.2.21 to ensure a seamless and efficient experience in particular for the purpose of the RTS on Strong Customer authentication (SCA) and Common and Secure Communication (CSC).Question 3: Do you agree with the proposed non-functional requirements related to the operation of the EBA Register? If not, please provide your reasoning.
N/A.Question 4: Do you agree with the way how the EBA proposes to fulfil the mandate in terms of the natural and legal persons that will need to be included in the future EBA Register? If not, please provide your reasoning.
SBA is of the opinion that the consideration by EBA in the consultation paper NOT to include information on credit institutions in the register is very unfortunate. We must have in mind that credit institutions may also want to act as payment initiation service providers (PISPs) as well as account information service providers (AISP). This may result in that the register becomes considerably watered down. Moreover, we take note that EBA in this regard interpret its mandate given in the PSD2 in a very narrow way, in contrast to its views/proposals as regards the RTS on strong customer authentication and secure communication under PSD2.Question 5: Do you agree with the option the EBA has chosen regarding the detail of information for the natural and legal persons that will be contained in the future EBA Register? If not, please provide your reasoning.
N/A.Question 6: Do you agree with the EBA that the contact details, dates of authorisation/registration, and the services provided in the Host Member States, should not be included in the EBA register? If not, please provide your reasoning, which should also include the benefits for payment service users and other interested parties of having this information in the EBA Register.
N/A.Question 7: Do you agree with the extension of the information for the service providers excluded from the scope of the PSD2 that will be entered in the EBA register? If not, please provide your reasoning.
N/A.Question 8: Do you agree with the scope of the information on agents of payment institutions, exempted payment institutions, account information service providers, electronic money institutions and exempted electronic money institutions to be included in the EBA register? If not, please provide your reasoning.
N/A.Please select which category best describes you and/or your organisation
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Swedish Bankers' Association (SBA) represents banks and credit institutions active in the Swedish banking market. Members are Swedish banks and their subsidiaries and branches of foreign banks.Name of organisation
Swedish Bankers' Association (SBA)