Pillar 3 data hub
The EBA is mandated in accordance with Articles 434 and 434a of the CRR3 proposal to publish on its website all the prudential disclosures for all institutions subject to these disclosure requirements, making it readily available in a centralised manner to all the relevant stakeholders through a single electronic access point on its website. To comply with this mandate the EBA is building a data hub putting together all the disclosures required under Part Eight of the CRR.
The CRR3 proposal on Pillar 3 data hub (P3DH) aims at promoting a better and more efficient usage by all the stakeholders of the prudential information, strengthening the role of the EBA in promoting market discipline.
This page provides an overview of this project and contains all the materials related to the various stages of the development of the Pillar 3 data hub.
Pillar 3 data hub main objectives
Pillar 3 data hub overview
Press contacts
Franca Rosa Congiu