Guidelines on internal policies, procedures and controls to ensure the implementation of Union and national restrictive measures

  • Status: Final and translated into the EU official languages

The Guidelines on internal policies, procedures and controls to ensure the implementation of Union and national restrictive measures, which are binding on any person or entity under the jurisdiction of Member States, include two sets of Guidelines:

  • Guidelines addressed to financial institutions and prudential supervisors setting common, regulatory expectations regarding the role of senior management, internal governance and risk management in the restrictive measures context. 
  • Guidelines addressed to PSPs and CASPs, setting out what PSPs and CASPs should do to be able to comply with restrictive measures when performing transfers of funds and crypto-assets and focus, in particular, on know your customer (KYC), screening and due diligence. 

Summary of document history

Previous versions Current version Ongoing versions

Final report on Guidelines on internal policies, procedures and controls to ensure the implementation of Union and national restrictive measures

  • Status: Not yet applicable
  • Application date:
  • Compliance deadline:
Guidelines on internal policies, procedures and controls to ensure the implementation of Union and national restrictive measures

(951.3 KB - PDF)

Press contacts

Franca Rosa Congiu