2018 EU-wide transparency exercise


    The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its annual report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector. The report is accompanied by the results of the EBA's 2018 EU-wide transparency exercise, which provide detailed information, in a comparable and accessible format, for 130 banks across the EU. Overall, the EU banking sector has continued to benefit from the positive macroeconomic developments in most European countries, which contributed to the increase in lending, further strengthening of banks' capital ratios and improvements in asset quality. Profitability remains low on average and has not yet reached sustainable levels.


    The European Banking Authority (EBA) announced today that its 2018 Risk Report and transparency exercise with bank by bank data will be released on Friday 14 December at 17:00 UK time (18:00 CET).


    The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today its fifth annual EU-wide transparency exercise. In December 2018, together with the Risk Assessment Report (RAR), the EBA will release over 900000 data points on about 130 EU banks. The data will cover capital positions, risk exposure amounts, sovereign exposures and asset quality. This data disclosure, which provides the wider public with a consistent tool to access data on the EU banking system, is an important component of the EBA's responsibility to monitor risks and vulnerabilities and foster market discipline.

The 2018 EU-wide transparency exercise provides detailed bank-by-bank data on capital positions, risk exposure amounts, leverage exposures and asset quality for 130 banks across 25 countries of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). The data, which is exclusively based on supervisory reporting, is published at the highest level of consolidation for the reference dates of 31 December 2017 and 30 June 2018.

The EU-wide transparency exercise is published along with the Risk Assessment Report (RAR), which is based on the full EBA's reporting sample, made up of 187 banks, of which 37 EU foreign subsidiaries of other EU banks (sample as of June 2018). In order to allow users to reconcile Transparency data with respective figures for the EU/EEA in the RAR, as well as in the interactive tools, data is also disclosed for the bucket "All other banks", which includes the aggregated values for the banks, excluding subsidiaries of other EU banks, that are in the RAR sample but have not participated in the transparency exercise.

The EBA has been conducting transparency exercises at the EU-wide level on an annual basis since 2011. The transparency exercise is part of the EBA's ongoing efforts to foster transparency and market discipline in the EU financial market, and complements banks' own Pillar 3 disclosures, as laid down in the EU's capital requirements directive (CRD). Along with the dataset, the EBA also provides a wide range of interactive tools that allow users to compare and to visualise data across time and at a country and a bank-by-bank level.

Banks individual results