Registers and other list of institutions

EUCLID (the European Centralised Infrastructure for Supervisory Data) is the platform and data infrastructure developed and used by the EBA to gather and analyse regulatory data from a wide range of financial institutions. It covers supervisory, resolution, remuneration and payments data.

Besides regulatory data, EUCLID collects a coherent set of master data information to identify institutions. This is the core of the EBA’s public registers, namely the Credit Institutions Register (CIR) and the Payments Institutions register (PIR) under the Payments Service Directive (PSD2).

This section provides references to the registers and other lists of institutions that the EBA maintains on the basis of information collected through its regulatory activities.

EUCLID in numbers


How many

Defining properties

Data source

Largest EU/EEA credit institutions or banking groups



COREP (solvency, large exposures, liquidity, leverage ratio, fundamental review of the trading book, supervisory benchmarking of internal models, asset encumbrance), FINREP (IFRS9, national GAAP, Covid-19), Funding Plans, Resolution (Planning, MREL Decisions, MREL/TLAC), Global Systemically Important Institutions, Remunerations (High-Earners, Benchmarking), Other Systemically Important Institutions 

Credit institutions



Banking groups



Investment firms



Investment Firms (CLASS2, CLASS3, GroupTest), COREP (solvency, large exposures, liquidity, leverage ratio, fundamental review of the trading book, supervisory benchmarking of internal models, asset encumbrance), FINREP (IFRS9, national GAAP, Covid-19), Resolution (Planning, MREL Decisions, MREL/TLAC)

Investment firms’ groups



Payment institutions



Payments, Resolution (Planning, MREL Decisions, MREL/TLAC)

E-money institutions







Credit institutions register

List of credit institutions to which authorisation has been granted to operate within the European Union and European Economic Area countries (EEA).

Register of payment and e-money institutions under PSD2Central register that contains information about payment and electronic money institutions authorised or registered within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area countries (EEA).
National registers of admitted credit intermediaries under the MCD Each Member State has established a register of admitted credit intermediaries at national level, if applicable,  where information is updated on regular basis.


Other lists of institutions

EU-wide transparency exercise

List of institutions

The transparency exercise is part of the EBA's ongoing efforts to foster transparency and market discipline in the EU financial market, and complements banks' own Pillar 3 disclosures, as laid down in the EU's capital requirements directive (CRD)

EU-wide stress testing

List of institutions (2021)

The EBA is mandated to monitor and assess market developments as well as to identify trends, potential risks and vulnerabilities stemming from the micro-prudential level.

Risk Dashboard

List of Largest Reporting Institutions  (March 2023)

The EBA Risk Dashboard is part of the regular risk assessment conducted by the EBA and complements the Risk Assessment Report. The EBA Risk Dashboard summarises the main risks and vulnerabilities in the banking sector in the European Union (EU) by looking at the evolution of Risk Indicators (RI) among a sample of banks across the EU.

Supervisory Benchmarking Exercises

List of institutions for the purpose of supervisory benchmarking (2024)  

Internal approaches used for the calculation of own funds requirements for market and credit risk are subject to an annual assessment by competent authorities. The EBA assists competent authorities in their assessment by providing a report, which includes benchmarks that help identify any material differences in RWA outcomes.


List of Institutions for the purpose of remuneration benchmarking and gender pay gap (May 2024)  

Institutions' remuneration policies for staff members whose professional activities have material impact on the institutions' risk profile shall ensure that remuneration is consistent with sound and effective risk management and provides an incentive for prudent and sustainable risk taking.

Global Systemically Important Institutions (G-SIIs)

Bank Legal Entity Identifier (2021) 

The list of banks included in these annual sections follows the EBA Guidelines on disclosure of indicators of Global Systemic Importance Institutions (G-SIIs).

Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SIIs)

Notified O-SIIs to the EBA (2021)

The list of institutions included in this section follows the EBA Guidelines on the criteria for the assessment of Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SIIs) 

Basel III monitoring exercise

Consolidated sample of banks for the mandatory Basel III monitoring exercise

The EBA has been conducting regular and ad-hoc quantitative impact studies to assess or monitor the impact of various rules on the EU banking sector.

Threshold monitoring intermediate parent undertakings (IPU)

List of third country groups with IPUs and third country branches (2021)

The Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) requires institutions belonging to third-country groups (TCGs) to have an intermediate parent undertaking (IPU) established in the European Union (EU) when the TCG’s total value of assets in the EU, including those held via third country branches (TCBs) established in the EU, is equal to or greater than 40 billion Euros.