Programming documents

The Single Programming Document (SPD) sets out the EBA’s planning of activities and related resource requirements for the next three years. It is prepared in accordance with Article 32 of the EBA Financial Regulation. In addition to the multi-annual priorities for the period in question, the document also provides a first draft of the Work Programme for next year which is then refined by September of the current year.

The SPD is developed taking into account the missions stemming from EBA Regulation, as well as the evolving tasks assigned to it by the co-legislators. It is structured following the guidance provided by the European Commission to EU decentralised agencies for this purpose. It is endorsed first by the EBA’s Management Board and subsequently by the EBA's Board of Supervisors. It is revised annually and adjusted as required.

To increase transparency, as of 2023, the EBA publishes its SPD for years N+1-N+3, after it has been submitted to the EU institutions and the European Court of Auditors.

Single Programming Document 2026-2028 (initial)

(2.14 MB - PDF)

Single Programming Document 2025-2027 (final)

(2.92 MB - PDF)




Single Programming Document 2025-2027 (final)

(2.92 MB - PDF)

Single Programming Document 2025-2027 (initial)

(2.14 MB - PDF)


Single Programming Document 2024-2026 (final)

(2.62 MB - PDF) Last update 22 December 2023

Single Programming Document 2024-2026 (initial)

(2.3 MB - PDF) Last update 16 February 2023