Expert positions

National experts on secondment

Seconded national experts (SNEs) usually work in the public sector in the EU or European Free Trade Association (EFTA) members States, for example, in a national competent authority, and are seconded by their administration to the EBA to foster the exchange of professional knowledge and practices.  SNEs bring to the EBA their expertise in a particular field and, following their secondment, they take back to their home administration the knowledge of European affairs and enriched network. They typically have professional experience in administrative, legal, advisory or supervisory functions. The secondment of national experts is an essential instrument to build a common supervisory culture across the EU.

Current vacancies

Call for expression of interest for Seconded National Experts
vacancy open


The call for expression of interest is aimed at Seconded National Experts with the following profiles and expertise:

Prudential Regulation and Supervisory Policy Department (PRSP)

Innovation, Conduct & Consumers Department (ICC)

Economic & Risk Analysis Department (ERA)

Data Analytics, Reporting & Transparency Department (DART)

Operations Department (OPER)

DORA Joint oversight Department (DORA)

Governance and External Affairs Unit (GEA)

Legal and Compliance Unit (LC)

Vacancy Notice SNE open call - Updated 18-12-2024

(181.63 KB - PDF) Last update 18 December 2024

Eligibility criteria grid - SNE open call (version December 2024)

(2.12 MB - PDF) Last update 18 December 2024

Guest programme

The purpose of the EBA Guest Programme is to promote collaboration and exchange of knowledge and expertise, to enhance understanding of the EBA’s role among the public, to support capacity building in the financial area and to promote transparency by offering opportunities to engage directly with the EBA.

To participate in the Programme, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • be an EU Member States or EFTA citizen, or citizens of countries with which the Council of EU has decided to open accession negotiations,
  • be an independent professional in a field of relevance to the EBA’s work, OR
  • be an academic from an independent university or research organisation which does not set out to make profits for redistribution, OR
  • be a PhD candidate looking to conduct their research idea/project in the field of relevance of the EBA’s work,
  • have a good knowledge of English (minimum level: B2 – according to the Common European Framework for Reference).

Candidates interested in the Programme should submit to , their CV and a motivation letter in English, detailing the expertise and area of activities they would like to contribute to, as well as the preferred starting date and duration. When submitting the application, in the filed ‘’subject’’ of the email, applicants should use the following wording: ‘’Guest Programme application - First name SURNAME’’.

Decision on policy on EBA Guest Programme

(194.8 KB - PDF)