Article 4
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- 2013_233 Definition of term "member state"
- 2013_265 Risk Retention
- 2013_310 Prudential Consolidation of Financial Institutions
- 2013_383 Inclusion of insurance undertakings in prudential consolidation
- 2013_474 Treatment of collateral posted from client to clearing Member in Large Exposures
- 2013_681 Large exposure reporting – reporting of central government and natural or legal persons controlled by the central government or interconnected with it
- 2014_1153 Operational risk - compliance risk
- 2014_1214 Recognition of real estate as commercial property
- 2014_1443 Groups of connected clients when a client is connected through various criteria (interconnection through control and / or economic interconnection)
- 2014_1474 Exemption of purchased receivables from Aricle 405's retention requirement
- 2014_796 What is meant with 'mainly' in the definition of 'financial holding company'?
- 2014_857 Definition of a financial institution
- 2015_1974 “Direct” control
- 2015_2157 Minority interests
- 2015_2376 Exposure secured by immovable property vs. secured by mortgages on immovable property
- 2015_2472 Consideration of securitisation positions and securitised exposures, for the purpose of significant risk transfer.
- 2016_2676 Application of the DGS Directive to Financial Institutions
- 2016_2783 ‘Indirect holdings’ in capital instruments issued by financial sector entities (CRR Article 4 paragraph 1 subparagraph 114).
- 2016_2923 Connected Clients and Control Relationship
- 2016_2971 Treatment of an institution’s guarantees for investments into CIUs
- 2017_3131 Speculative immovable property financing
- 2017_3173 Application of the definition of ‘speculative immovable property financing’ under the Standardised Approach
- 2017_3270 Appropriate Risk Weight for purchased defaulted assets
- 2018_3663 CRR's definition of an investment firm
- 2018_3762 Definition of a qualifying holding
- 2018_3806 Scope of application of the term "securitisation" and risk retention obligation in Article 405 CRR
- 2018_4025 Synthetic securitisation of undrawn revolving credit facilities
- 2018_4260 Definition of local firm under Article 4(1)(4)
- 2019_4598 Use of rating before or after transfer in the calculation of the one-year default rates
- 2019_4765 Recognition of “unfunded credit risk protection” as CRM, in case of “items associated with particular high risk”
- 2019_4987 Classification of a vertical security in a traditional securitisation
- 2019_4599 Calculation of the number of obligors
- 2015_2054 Client servicing in the definition of the trading book
- 2021_5864 Scope of ASA definition under IFR
- 2021_6257 Purchase of credit receivables as a form of 'granting credits'