- Description
Classification of off-balance sheet items
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- 2014_1324 Classification of invoice discount facilities as full risk items
- 2015_2198 Classification of a performance bonds according to annex 1.
- 2016_2916 Contingent liabilities within the Merchant Services Industry
- 2017_3171 Documentary credits in which underlying shipment acts as collateral and other self-liquidating transactions
- 2017_3376 Proposals for mortgage credit extension described in Article 14 of the Directive 2014/17/EU as off-balance sheet exposures
- 2018_3918 Classification of a commitment to make under certain conditions an indemnity payment for a customer
- 2015_2543 Correct application of credit conversion factors in relation to credit substitutes and shipping guarantees
- 2015_2224 Extending the range of application system.
- 2021_6327 CCF used for commitment performance bond
- 2020_5471 Classification of a gurantees for trade finance off-balance sheet items according to annex 1.
- 2022_6432 Original maturity of credit lines until further notice