Outflows should be reported as positive figures. For example, in the column 010 "Amount" of the template C 52.00 row 050, the institution should report the amount of uninsured retail deposits as a nominal value. The value in the column 020 "Outflow" would then be this value multiplied by the applicable outflow rate (minimum 10 percent in this case), resulting in a positive figure.
Furthermore all figures according to Annex XII (Reporting on Liquidity, Templates C 51.00, C 52.00, C 53.00, C 54.00, C 60.00 and C 61.00) of Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 13 ITS on Supervisory Reporting of institutions have to be reported positively. This is because of the DPMs structure which provides a unique mapping of in and outflows and therefore no different sign is needed.