25 SEPTEMBER 2013 Andrea Enria's speech at the ESE Conference in Frankfurt 23 MAY 2013 Andrea Enria's intervention at the EC public hearing on financial supervision in the EU 20 APRIL 2013 Andrea Enria's Speech at the Institute of International Finance in Washington DC- "Progress in banking sector and institutional repair in the European Union". 19 FEBRUARY 2013 Andrea Enria's Lectio Magistralis at the University of Trento - "The crisis in Europe, the impact on banks and the authorities’ response 17 OCTOBER 2012 EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria speaks at the Annual National Bank of Poland’s Conference "A Reconfiguration of Europe - the CEE Perspective" 9 OCTOBER 2012 EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria: European Parliament, ECON hearing on Single Supervisory Mechanism 18 SEPTEMBER 2012 Hearing of the Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels 22 MAY 2012 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the CHITEC/China Financial Summit 26 APRIL 2012 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the Central Bank of Ireland Stakeholders Conference 17 APRIL 2012 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the Sixth European Central Bank Conference on Statistics 10 APRIL 2012 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the Levy Institute Minsky Conference 10 JANUARY 2012 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the Finance Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies 15 DECEMBER 2011 Andrea Enria's speech at the the conference organised by the Bank of Italy, in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa 17 OCTOBER 2011 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at Santander International Banking Conference 28 JUNE 2011 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the British Bankers' Association (BBA) in London. Pagination First page Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8
20 APRIL 2013 Andrea Enria's Speech at the Institute of International Finance in Washington DC- "Progress in banking sector and institutional repair in the European Union".
19 FEBRUARY 2013 Andrea Enria's Lectio Magistralis at the University of Trento - "The crisis in Europe, the impact on banks and the authorities’ response
17 OCTOBER 2012 EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria speaks at the Annual National Bank of Poland’s Conference "A Reconfiguration of Europe - the CEE Perspective"
9 OCTOBER 2012 EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria: European Parliament, ECON hearing on Single Supervisory Mechanism
18 SEPTEMBER 2012 Hearing of the Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels
26 APRIL 2012 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the Central Bank of Ireland Stakeholders Conference
17 APRIL 2012 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the Sixth European Central Bank Conference on Statistics
10 JANUARY 2012 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the Finance Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
15 DECEMBER 2011 Andrea Enria's speech at the the conference organised by the Bank of Italy, in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
17 OCTOBER 2011 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at Santander International Banking Conference
28 JUNE 2011 The EBA Chairperson, Andrea Enria, speaks at the British Bankers' Association (BBA) in London.