26 OCTOBER 2021 Jose Manuel Campa’s introductory remarks at the EBA 10th Anniversary Conference 14 OCTOBER 2021 Introductory statements of Jose Manuel Campa, Chairperson of the EBA and the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament 20 SEPTEMBER 2021 Jose Manuel Campa’s keynote speech at the Latin American Banking Federation 6 JULY 2021 Jose Manuel Campa opening remarks at the EBA CFT training for supervisors 29 JUNE 2021 François-Louis Michaud's opening remarks at the EBA’s Workshop for banks: improving reporting practices and data quality 12 MAY 2021 Jose Manuel Campa speech at the 35th General Annual Meeting of ISDA 5 MAY 2021 Jose Manuel Campa speech at BCBS-BSCEE-FSI Europe High-level meeting on banking supervision 22 MARCH 2021 Isabelle Vaillant speaks at the Institute for International and European Affairs event 20 NOVEMBER 2020 Piers Haben speaks at the European Association for Banking and Financial Law event 12 NOVEMBER 2020 José Manuel Campa's introductory remarks at the 2020 EBA Policy Research Workshop "New technologies in the banking sector – impacts, risks and opportunities" 10 NOVEMBER 2020 José Manuel Campa's speech on the corporate governance challenges within the financial sector 12 OCTOBER 2020 Introductory statement by the EBA Chairperson José Manuel Campa at the annual hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament 21 SEPTEMBER 2020 José Manuel Campa's speech at the Italian Banking Association (ABI) on the regulatory response to the Covid-19 crisis: a test for post GFC reforms 15 SEPTEMBER 2020 José Manuel Campa's speech at the City's Business School webinar on Monitoring Misconduct Maintaining and Developing Banking Standards 2 MARCH 2020 José Manuel Campa delivers a keynote speech at the 4th Annual Conference on ‘FinTech and Digital Innovation: Delivering for the Future’ Pagination First page Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page Last page
14 OCTOBER 2021 Introductory statements of Jose Manuel Campa, Chairperson of the EBA and the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament
29 JUNE 2021 François-Louis Michaud's opening remarks at the EBA’s Workshop for banks: improving reporting practices and data quality
5 MAY 2021 Jose Manuel Campa speech at BCBS-BSCEE-FSI Europe High-level meeting on banking supervision
12 NOVEMBER 2020 José Manuel Campa's introductory remarks at the 2020 EBA Policy Research Workshop "New technologies in the banking sector – impacts, risks and opportunities"
10 NOVEMBER 2020 José Manuel Campa's speech on the corporate governance challenges within the financial sector
12 OCTOBER 2020 Introductory statement by the EBA Chairperson José Manuel Campa at the annual hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament
21 SEPTEMBER 2020 José Manuel Campa's speech at the Italian Banking Association (ABI) on the regulatory response to the Covid-19 crisis: a test for post GFC reforms
15 SEPTEMBER 2020 José Manuel Campa's speech at the City's Business School webinar on Monitoring Misconduct Maintaining and Developing Banking Standards
2 MARCH 2020 José Manuel Campa delivers a keynote speech at the 4th Annual Conference on ‘FinTech and Digital Innovation: Delivering for the Future’