EBA welcomes the EU Parliament’s decision on discharge of its budget implementation for 2019
The Opinion elaborates on concrete actions taken by the EBA in relation to the European Parliament’s observations during the discharge process in the areas of budget and financial management, performance, staff policy, procurement, prevention and management of conflicts of interest and transparency, internal controls, etc. Out of the 40 observations, the EBA considers that 22 have been completed or addressed, 5 observations are ongoing and will require action, and 13 require no action.
Legal background
Article 64(11) of the EBA Founding Regulation requires the EBA to provide a reasoned opinion on the European Parliament’s observations made during the discharge process.
EBA Opinion on the European Parliament 2019 discharge report
(309.2 KB - PDF) Last update 24 September 2021
Press contacts
Franca Rosa Congiu