EBA appoints new stakeholder group

  • News
  • 23 October 2013

The EBA announced today the new composition of its Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG). The group, which now enters its second term of work, has the important role of facilitating consultation and dialogue with stakeholders in all the areas relevant to the tasks of the EBA. Newly appointed and reappointed members from the previous term will represent in a balanced way consumers, users and employees, as well as academia and various types of credit and investment institutions across the EU.

Following a call for expression of interest launched in May this year, the EBA carried out a selection process ensuring adequate balance between EU Member States, represented entities and members' gender. Of the 30 members of the BSG, 10 are delegates from credit and investment institutions, 3 of which represent savings or cooperative banks, 10 are representatives of consumers and users, 6 are academics, 2 represent small and medium-sized enterprises and 2 are employees' representatives.

Andrea Enria, Chairperson of the EBA, said: "We welcome the newly appointed members and look forward to continuing and strengthening the dialogue with our stakeholders. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the former members of the BSG, who have provided strong support and excellent input to the work of the EBA in the very difficult phase of our start up".

The Banking Stakeholder Group in its new composition has been formally appointed by the EBA Board of Supervisors and will serve for a term of two and a half years. The first meeting of the BSG in its new composition will take place on 30 October 2013.


Selection procedure

(119.83 KB - PDF) Last update 19 February 2014

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