CEBS and CEIOPS are publishing cross-sectoral comparison of capital instruments
Date: 09/01/2007
The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) and the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) are publishing today a comparison of the capital instruments that are eligible for prudential purposes in the application of the European banking, insurance and securities regulation. This cross-sectoral comparison has been produced by the Interim Working Committee on Financial Conglomerates (IWCFC) at the request of the European Financial Conglomerates Committee. This report was sent to the Commission on 3 January 2007.
This report is the first part of the advice on the cross-sectoral comparison of the sectoral rules for the eligibility of capital instruments in the regulatory capital. The second part was published in August 2007, while the third and last part in April 2008.