EU Capital exercise
This section is dedicated to the EBA Capital exercise (also called recapitalisation exercise) and provides information about the methodologies used, as well as additional supporting information released by the EBA during the conduct of the exercise.
The EBA Capital exercise was conducted in 2011/2012. It was not a stress test but a one-off exercise performed in the context of a series of coordinated policy measures to restore confidence in the EU banking sector. Against the developments in the markets and the deterioration of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, the EBA reviewed banks' actual capital positions and sovereign exposures and requested them to set aside additional capital buffers.
16 December 2014
21 October 2013
22 July 2013
03 October 2012
11 July 2012
9 February 2012
8 December 2011
- EBA Press release
- Joint statement by the Presidency of the ECOFIN Council and the EBA
- Questions and answers
- EBA Recommendation
- Buffer Convertible Capital Securities/Common Term-sheet
- Presenting the results of the recapitalisation exercise
- Methodology:
Methodological note
List of banks in the sample
Summary of the accounting rules and methods for the calculation of the prudential
filter and the transitional floor followed by banks
26 October 2011