Response to discussion on the review of the NPL transaction data templates
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14. Do you think the suggested list of data fields capture all relevant information on collateral needed for NPL valuation and financial due diligence? If not, please indicate which other data fields should be included and provide explanation for this.
NO, please refer to the attached Excel file “20210831_ReviewOf_NPLDataTemplate” for specific comments.19. Do you agree with description of data fields presented in data dictionary?
Please refer to the attached Excel file “20210831_ReviewOf_NPLDataTemplate” for specific comments.20. Do you agree with criticality (and non-criticality) of data fields presented in data dictionary? If not, please provide suggestions and explanations related to specific data fields.
NO, please refer to the attached Excel file “20210831_ReviewOf_NPLDataTemplate” for specific comments.26. Please provide your views on the asset classes covered and whether any specific data fields, other than already foreseen, should be included in the templates for ensure full coverage of certain asset classes.
Please refer to the attached Excel file “20210831_ReviewOf_NPLDataTemplate” for asset-specific comments.Upload files
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