Guidelines 2009

CEBS Guidelines on operational risk mitigation techniques


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its guidelines on operational risk mitigation techniques following a three-month public consultation period and a public hearing. These guidelines, which build on the provisions of the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) and CEBS's Guidelines on the Implementation, Validation and Assessment of AMA and IRB Approaches (Implementation Guidelines – GL10) provide supervisory expectations and clarification on the recognition of risk transfer instruments within the AMA.

The "Compendium of supplementary guidelines on implementation issues of operational risk" (initially published 8 September 2010) has been updated by integrating the guidelines on operational risk mitigation techniques.


CEBS Principles on Remuneration


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes a finalised set of principles for remuneration policies following a one-month public consultation period and a public hearing. The principles address key aspects of well functioning remuneration policies and thus support the sound operation of banking institutions.


CEBS Revised Peer Review Methodology


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) has published today its revised Peer Review (PR) Methodology that was originally initiated in 2007.


CEBS Compendium of Supplementary Guidelines on Implementation Issues of Operational Risk


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its "Compendium of supplementary guidelines on implementation issues of operational risk" (the Compendium) and a feedback document following a three-month consultation period on CP21 and a related public hearing.

The "Compendium of supplementary guidelines on implementation issues of operational risk" has been updated by integrating the Guidelines on operational risk mitigation techniques.


CEBS Guidelines on Passport Notifications


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its passporting guidelines following a three month public consultation.


CEBS Guidelines on Liquidity Buffers


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its guidelines on liquidity buffers following a four-month public consultation period and a public hearing. These guidelines, which build on CEBS's Recommendations on Liquidity Risk Management, elaborate upon the appropriate size and composition of liquidity buffers to enable banks to withstand a liquidity stress for a period of at least one month without changing their business models.



CEBS Guidelines on Hybrid Capital Instruments


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its implementation guidelines on hybrid capital instruments.

This work responds to the request in Article 63(a) of the current revised Capital Requirements Directive  (CRD) that calls on CEBS to elaborate guidelines for the convergence of supervisory practices with regard to hybrid instruments. By setting out minimum requirements for the inclusion of hybrid instruments in original own funds, the quality of own funds is enhanced.


CEBS Guidelines on the revised large exposures regime


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its guidelines in relation to two specific aspects of the revised large exposures regime that has been included in the amended Capital Requirements Directive (CRD). The amendments will have to be transposed into Member States' national law by 31 October 2010 and will be applied from 31 December 2010.


CEBS Revised Guidelines on Financial Reporting


CEBS publishes today its revised guidelines on financial reporting (FINREPrev2). The revision of the guidelines is part of CEBS's effort to streamline reporting requirements for supervised institutions, consistent with the recommendations of the Financial Services Committee Report on Financial Supervision (the Franck Report) and the White Paper of the Commission on Financial Services Policy -2005-2010.



CEBS Guidelines on Common Reporting of Large Exposures


The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its guidelines in relation to the common reporting of large exposures.