Response to discussion Paper on Technical Advice on possible treatments of unrealised gains measured at fair value
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Do you agree with the description of the different criteria provided on this section in order to assess the possible treatments of unrealised gains? If not, please state why. Do you think there are other criteria that should be considered?
See attached documentDo you agree with the proposed approach based on the prudential classification (distinction between the trading and banking book) to analyse the different policy options? If not, please state why. Do you envisage any operational issue if the prudential approach is followed?
See attached documentDo you have instruments that are classified as held for trading for accounting purposes included in the (regulatory) banking book or available for sale instruments classified as a position of the (regulatory) trading book? Could you quantify the relevance of these situations?
See attached documentDo you see any differences in the analysis that should be taken into account with the requirements in the forthcoming IFRS 9?
See attached documentDo you agree with the proposal to distinguish between different categories of instruments/items (interest bearing financial instruments, non-interest bearing financial instruments and tangible assets) in analysing the different policy options? If not, please state why
See attached documentDo you agree with the arguments in favour of an item-by-item basis or a portfolio basis? Are there other arguments that should be considered for the decision to apply the policy options on an item-by-item or on a portfolio basis?
See attached documentDo you consider that the application on an item-by-item or on a portfolio basis would be more justified for certain types of instruments/items than for others (for instance, debt securities, equity instruments, tangible assets)?
See attached documentPlease provide quantitative information about the difference between applying a filter on a portfolio basis or on an item-by-item basis and the impact of this difference in your capital ratios.
See attached documentDo you agree with the alternatives presented in this section? Do you have a preferred alternative? Please explain the reasons.
See attached documentDo you agree that the haircut may be different depending on whether it affects the different layers of capital and also on whether the adjustment is applied on a portfolio or an item-by-item basis? Do you have a view regarding the level of the haircut?
See attached documentRegarding the second adjustment (the threshold): do you agree to establish a limit to the recognition of unrealised gains in own funds? Do you have a view regarding the level of the threshold?
See attached documentDo you think equity and debt securities should be subject to the same policy options / treatment? Do you agree with the reasons provided in this section about the difference between equity and debt?
See attached documentDo you agree with the analysis for hedge accounting? Please provide quantitative information about the relevance of hedge ineffectiveness in hedge accounting
See attached documentDo you see any difference in this analysis under the forthcoming hedge accounting requirements that the IASB is expect to publish in the second half of 2013?
See attached documentDo you agree with the analysis for fair value option accounting? Do you classify assets and liabilities managed on a fair value basis and financial instruments with embedded derivatives in the banking or the trading book? Please state the reasons for the classification
See attached documentPlease provide quantitative information about the use of the fair value option
See attached documentDo you agree with the description provided in this section? Can you quantify the amount of unrealised gains included in the trading book?
See attached documentDo you think that there is a risk of double effect when applying a prudential filter and the requirements on prudent valuation?
See attached documentWhich are your views on the different issues described in point a) to d) of section 5.6.4? Please provide reasoning supporting your response
See attached documentIn case a prudential filter is applied, do you agree that unrealised gains on investment property and property, plant and equipment measured at fair value should not be included in own funds? If not, please state why
See attached documentDo you think that there are more reasons to apply a filter on an item-by-item basis for tangible assets (investment properties or property, plant and equipment) than for the investment portfolio classified in the banking book? What would be the rationale to apply a prudential filter on a portfolio basis for tangible assets?
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