Response to consultation on changes to ITS on reporting

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Question 1. The EBA believes that an understanding of where the accounting fair value sits within the notional range of plausible values at an aggregate level is essential context for assessing that the downside of this range, and therefore the AVA, is appropriately reported. Do you agree with this statement? If not please explain your reasoning? [Annex 2, page 1]

Please see attached document

Question 2: Would the ‘upside uncertainty’ measure defined above and used in column 120 be suitable as a definition of the upside uncertainty? If not please provide reasons and any alternative suggestions for how such an upside measure could be defined. [Annex 2, page 1]

Please see attached document

Question 3: Is the above approach to splitting out fair valued assets and liabilities and fair-value adjustments on the one hand between the different types of AVAs and on the other hand between asset classes and product categories practical to implement? If not please describe the practical obstacles. Please suggest any alternative approaches (particularly if an alternative approach has been found useful for internal reporting purposes). [Annex 2, page 5]

Please see attached document

Question 4: Is the above portfolio-based approach to splitting out AVAs and other attributes between ‘Exotic’ and ‘Vanilla’ practical to implement? If not please describe the practical obstacles. Please suggest any alternative approaches (particularly if an alternative approach has been found useful for internal reporting purposes). [Annex 2, page 12]

Please see attached document

Question 5: Do you think such mismatches between the portfolio-level AVAs and the institution-level AVAs would be significant? Please give examples. [Annex 2, page 12]

Please see attached document

Question 6: Where the difference is significant what additional practical difficulties would arise from calculating AVAs for each of the portfolio categories in rows 050-170? [Annex 2, page 13]

Please see attached document

Question 7: What are stakeholders’ views on the ability to usefully summarise in a few key words the models and products concerned, as well as on the associated reporting burden or IT issues? [Annex 2, page 15]

Please see attached document

Question 8: Do you find the proposed instructions on prudent valuation clear? Are there specific parts where definitions or instructions should be clarified?

Please see attached document

Question 9: Do respondents have any comments on the structure and content of the proposed templates on prudent valuation?

Please see attached document

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EACB - European Association of Co-operative Banks