Response to consultation Paper on Draft RTS on classes of instruments that adequately reflect the credit quality of the investment firm as a going concern and possible alternative arrangements that are appropriate to be used the purposes of variable remuneration

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Question 1: Are the provisions within Article 1-5 sufficiently clear?

Please see our drafting suggestions in the attached response.

Question 2: Is it appropriate to continue to require the same conditions for the use of AT1, Tier 2 and Other Instruments as under the current legislative framework?

AFME has no comments in response to this question.

Question 3: Are the provisions in Article 6 appropriate and sufficiently clear? Where respondents are of the view that the draft RTS should define a set of specific arrangements rather than providing conditions that such arrangements should meet, comments are most helpful, when they clearly describe the alternative arrangements that investment firms desire to use to ensure that variable remuneration is aligned with the long-term interest of the investment firm and its risk profile.

AFME has no comments in response to this question.

Question 4: Do respondents agree with the findings of the impact assessment? Where respondents have identified additional costs or burdens created by the draft RTS, it would be most helpful if respondents could specify and, where possible, quantify separately the costs for the implementation of the provision and the costs for the ongoing application of the provisions.

AFME has no comments in response to this question.

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Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME)