Response to consultation on RTS defining methodologies for the valuation of derivative liabilities

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Question 4: Do you agree with the preferential status given to commercially reasonable replacement trades? Should there be also a prioritisation among other sources of data?

Please find our comments in attached document.

Question 5: Do you agree with the method described under paragraph 2 for the resolution authority to calculate the close-out amount? Is there a reason to believe that mid-market prices might not always be available no possible to derive from other data sources? And under which circumstances? In that case, what do you consider as an appropriate reference for calculating the close-out amount?

Please find our comments in attached document.

Question 6: Should adjustments to the bid-offer spread, other than those specified under Article 6(4)(c), be considered?

Please find our comments in attached document.

Question 9: As provided for under Article 7(2), the resolution authority will have the possibility to produce a valuation at a date or time earlier than the earliest commercially reasonable date as part of a provisional valuation carried out pursuant to Article 36(9) of the BRRD. This possibility is intended to allow for a swifter resolution process as resolution authorities will be able to apply the write down and conversion powers on the basis of the early determination. As in all cases where taking resolution action based on a provisional valuation, resolution authorities will update their determination either as part of a subsequent provisional valuation or the final valuation. At that point they will either adjust the write down and conversion of creditors, provided they have previously made the necessary arrangements such as holding sufficient equity, or provide alternative compensation, if necessary, on the basis of the final valuation of difference in treatment pursuant to Article 74 of Directive 2014/59/EU. Do you consider this optional early determination appropriate, or do you consider that this option would unreasonably increase the risk of litigation or ex post compensation according to Article 74 of the BRRD?

Please find our comments in attached document.

Question 10: Alternatively, should resolution authorities always wait until there is pricing available in the market before producing their valuation, and therefore wait until that date before applying the bail-in tool?

Please find our comments in attached document.

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