Response to consultation on draft ITS amending ITS on supervisory reporting on Leverage Ratio
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Question 2: Would respondents have substantiated arguments for an implementation period different from the abovementioned?
naQuestion 3: Do respondents agree to the structure and content of the proposed templates and in particular the amendments proposed to Annex X of Regulation (EU) No 680/2014? If not, would respondents have substantiated reasons for not amending or further amending a particular cell or template?
naQuestion 4: Do respondents agree to the structure and content of the proposed instructions and in particular the amendments proposed to Annex XI of Regulation (EU) No 680/2014? If not, would respondents have substantiated reasons for not amending or further amending a particular paragraph or cell description?
naQuestion 5: Do respondents agree to the impact assessment? If not, would respondents have substantiated reasons why they would foresee a different conclusion?
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