Response to consultation on the Technical Standards on the EBA Register under PSD2
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The EMA further suggests including the ‘trading names’ of the institution in the Register’s search feature, to make it more consumer-friendly. For instance, a PSP may employ different consumer/PSU facing trading or brand names in different Member States. Only enabling a search based on the legal name of the authorised entity assumes that the PSU is familiar with the legal name. Enabling a search by trading/brand name the information in the Register will result in greater consumer utility.
This will of course also require NCA’s to submit trading names to the EBA Register.
Question 2: Do you agree with the proposed criteria and functionalities related to the search of information in the EBA Register? If not, please provide your reasoning.
Acknowledging that the PSD2 does not explicitly mandate that the EBA provide a ‘machine readable’ register, the EMA believes that the EBA Register presents an opportunity to provide an important element of the trust framework for confirming a PSPs identity and authorisation status by bringing consistency to the data available from National Competent Authority (NCA) registers. This could enable participants in the ecosystem to rely on the information held in the EBA Register to complete part of their due diligence for the purposes of the EBA RTS on SCA and CSC. In order to be an effective resource for this purpose, the EBA Register would have to provide a machine-readable interface.The EMA further suggests including the ‘trading names’ of the institution in the Register’s search feature, to make it more consumer-friendly. For instance, a PSP may employ different consumer/PSU facing trading or brand names in different Member States. Only enabling a search based on the legal name of the authorised entity assumes that the PSU is familiar with the legal name. Enabling a search by trading/brand name the information in the Register will result in greater consumer utility.
This will of course also require NCA’s to submit trading names to the EBA Register.