Please refer to the enclosed document as well as for general remarks on this particular section and on the consultation as a whole.
Concerning possible discrepancies between templates and instructions and the calculation of the requirements set out in the underlying regulation, we share the proposal of summary tables on remuneration policies, with a detail of the items to be indicated, in order to be able to achieve a homogeneous comparison at European level of qualitative and quantitative information on the topic.
However, bearing in mind that the consultation is aimed at clarifying the scope of the Article 450, in which it is envisaged that "Institutions shall disclose the following information regarding their remuneration policy and practices for those categories of staff whose professional activities have a material impact on institutions' risk profile", table REM5 regarding “Information on remuneration for all staff” does not represent a fulfilment contained in the EU legislation, and as such an option should be considered regarding the disclosure of this information. Therefore, each company should be able to assess the appropriateness of such public disclosure.
As for the granularity of the proposed information, we share the disaggregation in the business areas currently used for the purposes of the benchmarking exercise carried out pursuant to the EBA 2014/08 "Guidelines on the remuneration benchmarking exercise", although it is considered appropriate to provide for a proportionality in the application of the discipline according to the company size, to avoid that small companies, required to compile the REM5 Table, may have to face privacy problems due to the limited number of subjects in the individual business areas proposed.
In relation to the quantitative reporting tables of the identified staff (REM1 and REM2), it is requested to foresee the possibility of disaggregating the information based on the same areas of activity proposed in the REM5 table, where the companies deem it appropriate. Specifically, for banks in the scope of benchmarking at European and / or national level - which already fill in the tables relating to the identified staff the breakdown in the business areas proposed in table REM5 - we ask for the same accounting report, in order to avoid further management burdens and to provide a consistent market picture.
It is hoped that the existing information will be rationalized, limiting the already heavy reporting costs on credit companies.
We do not completely agree that the new draft ITS fits the purpose of the underlying regulation for the reasons indicated above.